Needs Assessment for MobiPrize

_1375742489MobiPrize is a contest for entrepreneurs working in the field or sustainable mobility, which rewards innovative and successful business ideas. After a successful first year, SMART wanted to assess their website in order to make improvements for the coming years. I worked in a team with 4 other students to write a series of reports about MobiPrize’s users and web presence and to offer recommendations for changes in future website iterations.

Problem: How can MobiPrize offer value to sustainable mobility entrepreneurs?  More than just offering an award to a winner, SMART wanted MobiPrize to be a resource that helped entrepreneurs succeed.


In order to understand the needs of MobiPrize’s applicants and how MobiPrize could help them we used three methods:

  • Interviews – We conducted interviews with 5 people who had either entered the MobiPrize contest, or were eligible for the contest but had not entered.
  • Personas – We used what we learned from the interviews to develop 3 personas MobiPrize could use to help them make decisions about what services to offer applicants
  • Comparative Analysis – We looked at other online resources sustainable mobility entrepreneurs have to support them and compared their offerings to MobiPrize’s


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