Usability Assessment for MobiPrize

MobiPrize is a contest for entrepreneurs working in the field or sustainable mobility, which rewards innovative and successful business ideas. After a successful first year, SMART wanted to assess their website in order to make improvements for the coming years. I worked in a team with 4 other students to write a series of reports about MobiPrize’s users and web presence and to offer recommendations for changes in future website iterations. Problem:  MobiPrize’s needed to … Continue reading

Wireframes for Rainbow Munch

Rainbow Munch is a mobile application I have been developing which aims to help users track their consumption of fruits and vegetables. I think the most important part of making wireframes is remembering that they are a tool which has a different purpose and use than the product they are emulating.  It is important to me not to treat wireframes as their own end product, but to see them as a step in the development … Continue reading

Ontology for Rainbow Munch

Rainbow Munch is a mobile application I have been developing which aims to help users track their consumption of fruits and vegetables. One of the necessary development steps was understanding how people saw the fruits and vegetables they ate. Problem: My initial idea (and the source for the app’s working name) was to sort the foods by color. The ‘rainbow’ metaphor could provide an easy way to help users eat a variety of fruits and … Continue reading